Gone with the Wind – The Aerodynamic Experimental Center of the BMW Group Munich

Gone with the Wind – The Aerodynamic Experimental Center of the BMW Group Munich


For quite some time now the Bayerische Motoren Werke have set their mark on Munich with their Four-Cylinder, their own museum and the BMW World.

What almost backs out is the fact that they have cultivated it within the paradigm of innovation, research and renewal and have turned it onto their center point. So, Schleißheimer Straße is surrounded by FIZ, AVZ, EVZ and ITZ. A wild chaos of letters at first glance, they are, as centers of research and innovation (FIZ), aerodynamic experiments (AVZ), energy and environmental experiments (EVZ) and information technology (ITZ), BMW’s investment in the future. Especially the Aerodynamic Experimental Center by Ackermann and Partners stands out: The futuristic looking facility contains two gigantic wind tunnels, allowing the BMW technicians to bring their cars’ aerodynamics to perfection. 170 million Euros have been invested within a construction period of three years, creating a complex on the nearly 25.000m² large premises the interior’s technology of which is mirrored in the exterior view. 

Tinkering with the Future

 The shape of the complex formed by the flow ring’s outlines reminds of a space experimental lab rather than of a center for cars. The steel-glittering surface, covering the whole AVZ like skin, intensifies this impression. The two intertwined wind tunnels are the pride of the AVZ. The vertical flow ring of the smaller wind tunnel inside as well as the horizontal flow ring of the main wind tunnel call the shot for the exterior’s shape. Extraordinary things are going on here, things that have never existed before. “Here, we are tinkering with the future“ is the message of the research center’s outside appearance. Technology is visible and dominates the shape. It’s not about impressive architecture, but about subtleties or finesse, it’s about displaying what one has and is capable of. The interlocking of wind tunnels and buildings with studio and office areas still keeps distances short. Once spread across five locations, the nearly 500 employees now have all departments under one roof, the reception and the presentation room as well as the workshop and the cleaning facility. 

Ruler of the Elements

Although the experiments carried out at the AVZ are common ones within the world of motor sports for years now, BMW is the only automotive manufacturer with a testing ground such as this. The Aerolab, about 20 meters long, 14 meters wide and eleven meters high, allows for testing originally sized vehicles. A track consisting of five moving pathways imitates the most common effects of a ride on a street – even two cars overtaking each other can be imitated here to measure air flows occurring with this kind of maneuver. Apart from that, the model tunnel has mountings controllable towards all directions, moving 1:2 models across another moving pathway. Inside both wind tunnels, cars can be exposed to flow speeds of up to 300 km/h. Taking into account that cars can be exposed to temperatures of between -20° C and +55° C and humidity values of between five and 90 per cent, it almost seems as if BMW has not only erected a world of its own in the Northern part of Munich, but has turned into a ruler of the elements at their research centers.

Project details


Ackermann und Partner Architekten BDA


Construction time: March 2004-2007


GFA: 32,500 m²


BMW Group - Munich


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admin's picture
admin 25. May 2011 - 23:15


admin's picture
admin 25. May 2011 - 23:15


admin's picture
admin 25. May 2011 - 23:15

This is really great.

admin's picture
admin 25. May 2011 - 23:15


admin's picture
admin 25. May 2011 - 23:15


admin's picture
admin 25. May 2011 - 23:15

maravilloso !

admin's picture
admin 25. May 2011 - 23:15


admin's picture
admin 25. May 2011 - 23:15

i want to contact the editor of mapolis magazine..

admin's picture
admin 25. May 2011 - 23:15

need to talk

admin's picture
admin 25. May 2011 - 23:15

No comprendo !

admin's picture
admin 25. May 2011 - 23:15

ek architect he kal ko dekh sakta hai hame kushi hai ki hum un mai se ek hai

admin's picture
admin 25. May 2011 - 23:15

Muy Chevere !!!!

admin's picture
admin 26. May 2011 - 0:25

Qué hermosura,cada angulo muy bien cuidado,que no se excediera y no mostrara pesadez en los muros altos.

admin's picture
admin 26. May 2011 - 0:25

excelence and elegance in desing!!! the architecture and ingenering hand to hand,...cool

admin's picture
admin 26. May 2011 - 4:50

Great conceps. . . .

admin's picture
admin 26. May 2011 - 8:15


admin's picture
admin 26. May 2011 - 9:25

good architecture..

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